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YoGeek Chillout after a Setback: Back to Basics and Breathe

So I had it all planned, this weekend I was going to get lots of footage for this show! Lots of it, thought it would be easy.

Not so much 😦

I was so disappointed and quite defeated, but really that’s what it’s all about, allowing yourself to step in fully and whatever happens is part of your yoga. How do we then make the best choice, to the best of our ability. The time that I had at the studio was truly almost over and I felt that nothing that I had shot was remotely what I wanted to offer. It was at that moment that I decided that I just needed to breathe and chill out, so here it is…5 min of movement a little bit of quiet time to pay attention to the basics and breathe.

Once I opened my eyes and once again stepped into the world, I felt so much better, knowing that perfection lies in the imperfection, and that it’s there that we are given the Grace to be the best that we can, all the time, even if it’s not what you imagined it would be!

Check it out!

It’s about 8 min long 🙂